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Hide and Sneak! A 5e Cheat Sheet for Light, Darkness, and Stealth!
Hello, all! The Helpful NPCs crew are here again to provide a helpful reference cheat for you. This time, it's all about stealth. How do...
Non-Combat XP (D&D 5e)
Hello, fellow adventurers! Today, the Helpful NPCs crew are bringing you something that your game desperately needs: XP rewards for...
D&D 5e: Conditions Cheat Sheet!
Hello, all! Today's offering by the Helpful NPCs is a cheat sheet for conditions in your D&D games! Since 5e has a boatload of conditions...
Unusual Adventuring Motivations (11-20)!
Hello, everyone! In a previous post, we had a list of unusual adventuring motivations numbering 1-10. We weren't content with a mere ten...
Quick 'n' Dirty Attack Action Cheat Sheet for 5e!
For those who've played 'other editions', you may discover some similarities!
Unusual Adventuring Motivations (1-10)
Have you ever wondered why your character decided to drop everything and become a heroically-inclined treasure hunter and tomb raider?...
One Page Encounters: Harpies Outbreak!
Not-so sweet dreams are made of this: a mother-daughter harpy duo working with bandits to murder travelers! The bandits set snares, the...
Stock Your Shopkeeps with These Discount Potions!
Low-level adventurers don't have a lot of spare gold lying around, so they're always looking for a way to save money. Discount potions...
One Page Encounters: Farmstead in Flames!
Flames, flames on the side of my face! Today's One Page Encounter has the player characters rescuing the Sutters from destructive...
Magical Mixology: Fantastical Refreshments Found For Your Game!
Hello, all! Before getting into our sorcerous libations, we'll take just a moment to direct you to our Kickstarter for Character Case,...
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